Brian believes that energy is critical to our way and quality of life.  He is deeply committed to public service and very pleased to be a United Power member and director.

​​​​​​​​Brian A McCormick © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 2021. ​

Brian is passionate about energy, the environment and the future of our country. He strongly believes that advancements in renewable energy, storage technology, nuclear energy and a "smart", digitized and networked electric grid will help bring about a better future for all.

While technological advances provide great opportunity, it is crucial that we have leaders with vision, passion, integrity and a genuine concern for others. We need leaders who model appreciation of the energy resources we have, help us to utilize them more efficiently and have vision in developing new resources for the future. With his years of management experience in the military and local government, Brian is pleased and humbled to have the opportunity to help lead our cooperative to a brighter energy future.

Brian's vision is to continue providing dependable and affordable power for all while maintaining the existing excellence of United Power and preparing for growth ahead. Brian believes that we can do this by following these principles:

I. Focus on smart power use through efficiency and real time demand/supply alignment programs with an emphasis on consumer education and peak load reduction.

II. Work with Tri-State to continue expanding our power supply mix potentially utilizing Solar, Wind, Natural Gas, Nuclear, Pumped Hydro, Mass Car, Hydrogen and other technologies in an innovative, effective and efficient manner with the goal of simultaneously reducing carbon emissions and driving down costs.

III. Encourage the adoption of Renewable Energy technologies. Partner with local manufacturers, local installers, and members to install solar panels; continue to expand and support United Power's SolPartners program.

IV. Work in all areas to leverage government resources such as NREL and DOE; continue to partner with state and federal political leaders to generate funding for new technologies and innovations; communicate with and educate our political leaders regarding costs, challenges and opportunities.

V. Focus on continued upgrades to our cooperative’s distribution infrastructure; utilize technology to increase reliability, safety and member knowledge and control.